Sunday, July 7, 2013

July 1, 2013

Hola familia!
Thanks for your emails! Dad thanks for sharing that with me, it really motivated me to be better and to give it all. And Mom I still haven't gotten the packages because our zone conference got moved but I'm banking on this wednesday to get them finally haha. In regards to the heat in Arizona, its the same here. I heard that in some parts of our mission its been like 120 degrees sooo I'm kinda anxious to see what happens with the transfers this next week to see if I'm going to be roasted alive or not.

This week we officially became missionaries of both wards (altos y palmeras). Before we were just missionaries of altos and were helping out in palmeras so our leaders got after us when we were only baptizing in palmeras because I guess they thought we weren't focusing in our assigned ward. But now we are missionaries for both so I'm excited to be able to work where we have work and to not get grief about it haha. Also we have started to work with the members more and have them a little bit more excited to share the gospel so we are excited to get some more references from them.

This last week we got a phone call from some other elders and they said that they were with somebody who lives in our area who wanted to be baptized. I talked with him and we put an appointment. So we went to visit him and he (Jose) is seriously super awesome. Like the first lesson he kept saying how he wanted to be baptized and the spirit was super strong. When he said the closing pray he said how he just wants to be used in the church to help everyone and when the temple is here that he wants to work in it and it was just super awesome. But the thing about him that really has me thinking is that he has known the church for a long time and like all of his family are members of the church but he is just now accepting the invitation. It's really made me realize that not every investigator that doesn't end in a baptism is not a failure, that also maybe the Lord only needs a seed to be planted. 

This last week for p-day we went to a place here in Tijuana called Cecut, which is alike a musuem/aquarium place. So the musuem was pretty sweet cause it was like a bunch of history about here in Baja so it was cool to learn about all of it. And it was all in english and spanish so it was pretty easy to understand ;) But we also watched an IMAX about Arabia and it was really funny cause it showed video of all of the muslims circling the rock dealeo, and afterwards Elder Alfaro (one of our zone leaders) was like "okay guys I need you all to go home and pray about if our church is true again cause that was just really cool and I just want to be sure". It was really funny :)

This next week I'm really excited for all the things that we have. We are going to have a zone conference and a baptism so I'm pumped for those. Also I think we are going to do exchanges with our zone leaders so I'm excited to see how they work and to see all the things that I can learn from them. I'm running out of time so sorry that this letter isn't super good but thanks for all that you do and for who you are! Share the gospel and don't be afraid to invite people to meet the missionaries! 

con amor,
Elder Crockett
Elder Crockett

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